Friday, August 10, 2018

ARC Review The Witch of Willow Hall by Hester Fox

In the wake of a scandal, the Montrose family and their three daughters—Catherine, Lydia and Emeline—flee Boston for their new country home, Willow Hall.
The estate seems sleepy and idyllic. But a subtle menace creeps into the atmosphere, remnants of a dark history that call to Lydia, and to the youngest, Emeline.
All three daughters will be irrevocably changed by what follows, but none more than Lydia, who must draw on a power she never knew she possessed if she wants to protect those she loves. For Willow Hall’s secrets will rise, in the end…

This book was dark and gloomy and even very sad at times. It had a slow moving plot, but as it progressed the intrigue and mystery increased and before long I could not put it down. I had to know what was going to happen next. I was enthralled. I was captivated by Lydia and all she was going through. I felt so deeply for her character. This is a book that forces the reader to feel. The reader will gradually realize that they are invested in what is occurring. I laughed with Lydia and I cried with her. I was shocked with her and at times I was angry for her. Yes this book has witchcraft in it, but the book does not revolve around the witchcraft. The family scandal is more center to the storyline, and what a scandal it was. This book is not for the younger reader, it is for a more mature, older audience, however it is a great read. Differnt from my usual, but as this author's debut novel she should be proud. I look forward to reading more from Hester Fox.  
I give The Witch of Willow Hall 4 out of 5 Stars

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