Sunday, July 29, 2018

My Book Buddies

These are my book buddies, Gizmo and Phoenix! I love reading with my buddies. Some people like cats as partners, but my son is allergic, so I have these guys. They cuddle up and as you can see they love to snuggle. They do not make noise, and as long as they are close to me, they have no problem with me reading the day away. No interrupting! No asking for ice cream, or pizza, or help finding a lost toy or shoe, just snuggles and my book. As a matter of fact, its raining outside, and I have an ARC book I want to finish, so I think I will grab a blanket, glass of sweet tea and my doggies so I can get to reading!!!  Do you have a reading buddy?  I would love it if you would share pics in the comments!!!

Uglies by Scott Westerfield

Tally is about to turn sixteen, and she can't wait. In just a few weeks she'll have the operation that will turn her from a repellent ugly into a stunning pretty. And as a pretty, she'll be catapulted into a high-tech paradise where her only job is to have fun.
But Tally's new friend Shay isn't sure she wants to become a pretty. When Shay runs away, Tally learns about a whole new side of the pretty world-- and it isn't very pretty. The authorities offer Tally a choice: find her friend and turn her in, or never turn pretty at all. Tally's choice will change her world forever..

This book is WOW! It has so many themes in it!  Ultimately this novel is a coming of age story, but set in the future. Young adults are always obsessed with how they look on the outside, in this book Westerfield forces his protagonist to deal with hard decisions beyond hair style and what party to go to. She had to make choices that impacted not only the rest of her life, but the lives of others. Reality check, I think so. Some of the writing was simplistic, but this book was for a younger audience. Overall I enjoyed the world building and the character development in this novel. 

4 out of 5 stars for Uglies
4 out of 5 stars for the audio performance 

Zeroes by Scott Westerfield, Margo Langan, and Deborah Biancotti

Don't call them heroes, but each of these 6 teens has a power that ordinary people just do not have. That sets them apart, but it can also get them into a lot of dangerous situations because every power has its price.

I found this book interesting. It mixed up the normal Young Adult writing, none of the normal powers here. These kids have powers you have probably never even considered before. Originality meets creativity! What a way to write a book! Whats more these kids have no big plans, they are just there for each other. No get rich schemes, no world domination, they just want to learn more about themselves and be there for each other in the process. Isn't that what we all want? To know ourselves and friends to be with us along this  journey called life. Excellent writing and world building. Awesome, Terrific, Fantastic,  character development.  Great book, and there is a sequel.

I give Zeroes 5 out of 5 stars
I give the audio contend 4 out of 5 stars

Friday, July 27, 2018

ARC Review soon to come

I am currently reading a couple of ARC books and I cannot wait to share them with you all. These novels have been so good I am having trouble getting anything else done. I made the mistake of downloading them on my kindle app on my Iphone so I would have access to them at my doctor's appointments this week, and I have found myself glued to my phone ever since. These authors have blown me away with their style and creativity. I hope to finish them this weekend and get the reviews up ASAP. I know you guys will be excited and looking forward to their release dates, I will be right there in line too because with great writing like this I HAVE to have a hard copy, and these covers are absolutely out of this world! So Happy Friday and here's hoping you have a safe and blessed weekend (with lots of time to read) 


Graceling by Kristin Cashore

Katsa has been able to kill a man with her bare hands since she was eight—she’s a Graceling, one of the rare people in her land born with an extreme skill. As niece of the king, she should be able to live a life of privilege, but Graced as she is with killing, she is forced to work as the king’s thug. What she does not expect is to fall in love with the handsome prince Po.

This book is one of my favorite high fantasy books. Katsa has a lot of self-loathing in the beginning of the novel, but as the book progresses, she begins to find out more about herself and her grace. There is so much more to her and her gift than she originally gave herself credit for. Watching as the heroine grows and blooms into a stronger and more independent woman was an exciting experience. Enter the handsome Prince, the fun romance, and the very well developed magical system and you have the recipe for an enchanting magical experience. 

The world building for Graceling was excellent, Characters were very well developed and complex. If you ever want to enjoy a really excellent audio book this novel is read by several actors, with multiple voices for the various characters. I thoroughly enjoyed this audio book. 

Spoiler Alert :....................My only negative about this book was that personally I wish Katsa had been willing to marry Prince Po. I am very traditional and I like happy marriages. Even if they had to travel and be apart at times, I think the book could have been better if the brave heroine had not been so afraid of the permanence associated with actual marriage. They both determined they wanted a relationship, and that relationship is beautiful, so why not make it legitimate?  Guess I am old fashioned.

4 out of 5 stars for Graceling
5 out of 5 stars for the audio book

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Freek the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick

A hulking "retard" and a brilliant, crippled boy become strong as they undertake imaginary quests and fight all-too-real criminals. The only thing they can't conquer is time.

This is one of the most emotionally gripping novels I have read in years. The book is written for middle school aged students and does contain some mature content, but I assure none of it is more graphic, or violent than what they play on video games or see on a PG-13 movie, but in this case a lesson is being taught. One character has a learning disability and is extremely large, many are frightened of him because his father murdered his mother and is now in prison. The second boy in this friendship is a genius who has severe physical handicaps. The unlikely pair form an unbreakable bond, and life lessons are taught. I have encountered this book taught in a seventh grade classroom. The students could not get enough. They laughed and cried. I was amazed, as we passed out the books they groaned about having to "read another novel" but by the time we started chapter three many had already completed the book. They could not put this book down. This is not a book you read without being changed. No matter what your age you will be moved. You will laugh, get angry, and I guarantee there will be times you will shed a tear. Students who hate reading, love this book. There are so many aspects of this book they identify with, bullies, living in non-nuclear families, dealing with disabilities, struggling in school, wanting acceptance, and so much more. There is also an opportunity for cross-curricular tie-ins for science as you find out more about the characters disabilities and illness and interest in science. 

Even if you are not in a school setting, keep in mind this was written for school aged students, and pick up the book. I have read all types of fiction, but this is one book that makes me take a hard look at my own values every time I crack open its pages. 

Freek The Mighty 5 out of 5 Stars 

Freek the mighty 5 out of 5 stars for audiobook performance

Educational Content 5++ out of 5 stars

The Gender Games by Bella Forest

A toxic river divides nineteen-year-old Violet Bates's world by gender. 
Women rule the East. Men rule the West. 
Welcome to the lands of Matrus and Patrus.

This book is taking the dystopian fiction world by storm. I liked it better than Hunger Games and Divergent Series, but fans of these series will want to indulge in this series. My major issue with this series was when reading it becomes difficult to eat, sleep, and work because all you want to do is find out what is going to happen next! There is so much action, suspense, and yes even a little love mixed in this series, but this first book sets the stage. The world-building is awesome. It is different from anything done before and yet it is well thought out  and seamlessly complete!! Praises for originality, character depth, and creativity!

5 out of 5 stars for The Gender Game
4 out of 5 stars for the audiobook 

The Rose and The Dagger by Renee Ahdieh

In a land on the brink of war, Shahrzad is forced from the arms of her beloved husband, the Caliph of Khorasan. She once thought Khalid a monster—a merciless killer of wives, responsible for immeasurable heartache and pain—but as she unraveled his secrets, she found instead an extraordinary man and a love she could not deny. Still, a curse threatens to keep Shazi and Khalid apart forever.

This book is a solid and satisfying sequel to The Wrath and the Dawn. The set is a duology. The sequel is majestically and skillfully written! All loose ends are tied up, but not until every heartstring has been tugged, no yanked, from your chest. Think you can predict every contingency, think again. There will be surprises, conspiracies, revelations, and finally just when you cannot stand it anymore, resolution does occur, but what type of resolution, you will have to read to find out. I can tell you the magical element is a bit more predominant in The Rose and The Dagger than it was in its predecessor. However, it was not overdone. The world and cultural elements were still just as strong and elegant. The moments between the protagonists were brief, but heart wrenching. This is not your sappy romance or your cliche love triangle, this is the story of strong individuals, fighting against the world in an attempt to try to be together, with absolutely no guarantee of success and every reason to expect failure. 

I give the Rose and the Dagger 4 out of 5 Stars
Audio content 3 out of 5 stars

The Wrath and The Dawn by Renee Ahdieh

In a land ruled by a murderous boy-king, each dawn brings heartache to a new family. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, is a monster. Each night he takes a new bride only to have a silk cord wrapped around her throat come morning. When sixteen-year-old Shahrzad's dearest friend falls victim to Khalid, Shahrzad vows vengeance and volunteers to be his next bride. Shahrzad is determined not only to stay alive, but to end the caliph's reign of terror once and for all.

This is a breath-taking book! I was afraid at first this was going to be a sicking case of Stockholm's Syndrome, but it was not. Shazi was so much stronger and so much deeper than I expected. I was hooked from the very beginning of this book.  I am not a big romance reader. I like a good love story, but i do not want it to dominate the book. Well this book is centered around a love story, but it is no cliche, sweet, love story. These are two strong and damaged individuals, both with reasons not to become attached to the other. They have absolutely no intention, or desire, to become entangled in a real relationship, and even as the love begins to grow, they both fight it. Not out of stupidity, or blindness, but these characters have real, tangible reasons not to want each others. The magical element in this book was woven into the background. it had quite a bit of influence over the story's plot, without permeating every move made. The world building was exceptional and the characters were well-developed.  I liked the blend of culture, magic, and wills as they collide to present the reader with this elegant, silky, young adult novel.   

I give the Wrath and the Dawn 5 out of 5 Stars
Audio Content 3 out of 5 stars

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

NARNIA...the land beyond the wardrobe, the secret country known only to Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy...the place where the adventure begins. Lucy is the first to find the secret of the wardrobe in the professor's mysterious old house. 

This is my favorite book of all time. This book was introduced to me by my 5th grade teacher and I have literally reread it every year since I was in the 5th grade. I now read this book with my own three children who love Narnia almost as much as I do. If you are an educator and you want to draw your older elementary students into the world of books this book has it all, magic, good and evil, action, adventure, mystery, myth, legend, and so much more! The book lends itself so well to teaching so many different aspects of literature. It can be used to teach figurative language, allegory, myths, and even history. It is a beautiful little novel and in my opinion one every family and classroom needs a copy of. Yes, I recommend the entire series, but if you do not want to commit to that much reading then please do your child's imagination a favor, turn off the tv, unplug the playstation, and step into the wardrobe. 

I give The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, 5 out of 5 stars
I give the audio performance 5 out of 5 stars

Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody

Sixteen-year-old Sorina has spent most of her life within the smoldering borders of the Gomorrah Festival. Yet even among the many unusual members of the traveling circus-city, Sorina stands apart as the only illusion-worker born in hundreds of years. This rare talent allows her to create illusions that others can see, feel and touch, with personalities all their own.

If you enjoyed the story behind Caraval, The Night Circus, and Freeks, you might enjoy this book. I had a lot of likes within the pages of this book. I liked the murder mystery and the magic system that formed. I always enjoy reading a good magic system. Yes I know they are not real, and no I do not practice witchcraft, but I love to read and have a big imagination, and books are meant to be an escape from reality. I did not care for the romance in this story. I do not enjoy Mushy or drown out, complex romance among youth and this book was saturated in it. I also do not support/like reading books with homosexual relationships in them. I acknowledge many of today's books have these themes, but I personally do not support them.   There seemed to be some of those suggestions made in this book. Before you tar and feather me, this is my site and my review, I have the right not to enjoy reading about things I do not support. I did not trash anyone and was not hateful, so I would appreciate the same courtesy.  

I give Daughter of the Burning City 2.5 out of 5 Stars
I give the audio performance for this book 4 out of 5 stars

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

Brian is on his way to Canada to visit his estranged father when the pilot of his small prop plane suffers a heart attack. Brian is forced to crash-land the plane in a lake--and finds himself stranded in the remote Canadian wilderness with only his clothing and the hatchet his mother gave him as a present before his departure.  
I first read this book in middle school, have re-read it many times, and now my own children love this book. Both my son and oldest daughter (12 and 9) are obsessed with this book. Brian is an evolving character. He begins as a middle school student suffering the effects of a divorce. He knows nothing about survival. This is territory students relate to!!! He goes through so many various emotions and experiences and nothing comes easy for him. Paulsen set out to make this as realistic as possible and he does an excellent job. Students will talk about this book. They will engage after reading this book. My own children each HAD to have their own copy of this book (Proud mommy moment). Three time Newberry winner says a lot for the book, Hatchet is emotional, eye opening and even I enjoy reading it again on occasion. 
Please keep in mind this book is target for middle school aged kids so the jargon is going to be a bit repetitive and descriptive.  This is not a defect in the book, this is a strength. We need books written on the level of our students, so they are engaged readers, and this book does that. Again, my 9 year old is enthralled by this book, so it is doing its job. It may seem simplistic to us as adults, I would hope so, but that does not entitle the book to a negative review. I was disappointed with many of the GoodReads reviewers for lowering their review of this book based on the language of the book alone. The language is adequate for the target audience. 

Educational content-4 out of 5 stars
Audio version 5 out of 5 stars
I give Hatchet 5 out of 5 stars

Soundless by RIchelle Mead

A city in the mountains of China, where everyone has lost their hearing and now they are losing another sense too!  As a special education teacher I loved this book.  The characters in this book did not let their "disabilities" become an excuse to be  labeled victims, instead they created an entire society. Admittedly, some became complacent, but enter our heroine.  The book was a simple read and did not have the complex world building I usually enjoy in fantasy novels, but I appreciated the level of determination in both the lead characters. Tenacity is what is needed to succeed in our world, with or without a disability, and these characters proved they have grit. It was also refreshing to see the back characters working in their community, finding ways to use the abilities they had, rather than focusing on their lack of abilities. This book has been given ratings across the board, because it is not a fast paced adventure, but it is thought provoking and has a beautiful story to tell. As an educator I recommend it to my older students as a story to empower them, to look past what they cannot do and begin to access what they can. As a reader, this novel is a nice easy read, it is predictable in places, but the themes and lessons are redeeming qualities and make it worth the read.

I give Soundless 3.5 out of 5 stars

Monday, July 23, 2018

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

This book made it on the 2017-2018 Battle of the Books list. I was a bit surprised. My son, a middle school student, was on the team and read this book. The book does have an interesting plot, with lots of twists and turns, but I felt it was a bit violent for a middle school student to be reading. The positive point the book does have is that it does seem to attract middle school and high school male readers. However, it does not have much educational benefit outside of getting students to read, and I would not want to be responsible for the backlash that would occur if this book was required reading in a classroom. There is not a lot of inappropriate sexual relationships but the violence in the book marks it for your more mature students. My son is a AIG student, he read the book, discussed his issues with the book with me, and went on to enjoy the plot and characters. He also shared with me that other members of his BOB team made jokes and cut up about the fighting and gore within the book. So this one is a toss up. It is good for young adults and mature readers. I would not restrict any child from reading a book, but I would caution students, this title gets gory. However, any book that gets a child to read is a good book!

Educational content 2 out of  5 stars
I give The Maze Runner an Overall 3 out of 5 Stars
I give the Audio version of this book 4 out of 5 stars

Hoot by Carl Hiaasen

Hoot is a gem of a book! I love this book for multiple reasons. One it is funny. Two, where many books lend themselves to history discussions, this book has an awesome cross-curricular tie in with science, specifically environmental science.  Third, this is another "boy book"!  OK, one issue at a time, Hoot is funny, it is not laugh out loud funny, but it has subtle comical moments that make you smile. They are not forced and seem so natural that those around you want to know what you are smiling about when you are reading this book. Second, the science element in this book is so obvious and easy to work with. It is awesome. There are so many ways a teacher can go in the classroom from discussions to projects and the students get really excited about the issues. Third, boys and books! Again young males are the most difficult group for us as educators to get involved in reading. This is not only a factor I have observed in many classrooms, but a piece of information that has been researched and studied all over the globe. When I find a book middle school, and/or early high school males enjoy reading it is better than finding gold! I purchase multiple copies and even give them as rewards. This book is one that my students beg for. That alone says a lot about the book. If you have not read it, I highly recommend it. Better yet if you have a middle school aged boy in your life purchase this book and make it a back to school gift.

Educational Content 5 out of 5 stars
I give Hoot 5 out of 5 stars

Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan

Esperanza Rising is a beautiful book I have found appeals to many of my ESL students. Living in southeastern NC I have a lot of students whose families are farmers, they are here on work VISAs and these students understand the culture of this book. I like to implement this book within my classroom because it helps my other students become a bit more culturally aware of the lifestyle many of their peers are living. It may not be an identical situation to Esperanza's, but many of my migrant students can identify with parts of the lifestyle contained within the pages of this book.  This book is also a good reminder for me of exactly what my students are dealing with at home. It keeps me sensitive to their plight and so I like to use it as an easy read early on in the school year. It lends itself easily to cross-curricular instruction especially early in the semester. It is best suited for middle school students. I have found this is another book that easily opens the floor for discussions and students are readily willing to discuss issues within these pages. It is amazing to me the level of acceptance this book can create in my classroom.  That alone is a reason to adopt it in the curriculum.

Educational content 4 out of 5 stars
I give the book Esperanza Rising 4 out of 5 stars 

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

This book has its benefits in that middle school boys enjoy reading it. I would not recommend it for classroom use. It has a morbid background and can lead to religious debates that can make students and the teacher uncomfortable. As a piece of literature, and as a fantasy reader I enjoyed the book. It was not one of my favorite reads, but it was not distasteful. I would not let my son read this until he is older just because it deals with themes such as murder and of course death. You would not want an elementary student reading this book. I do not believe my daughters would read this book at all, unless forced to read it. My experience with girls is they usually shy away from the morbidity contained within these pages. Please do not think this is a book about evil and ghosts. This book has a well defined plot and the characters are expertly crafted in Neil Gaiman style. However after years in education, and parenting I believe this book is best directed at 7-8th grade boys as a pleasure read.

Educational Content 2 out of 5 stars
I give The Graveyard Book 3 out of 5 stars

The Boy on the Wooden Box by Leyon Leyson

If you want a historically accurate book to use for teaching the effects of WWII, the Holocaust, or even just the evils of racism this book does it beautifully. It also does it a bit less graphically than some of the other novels that cover these elements. Does that mean after reading The Boy on the Wooden Box you will not be disappointed in what humans will do to one another? No! However, this book does show that there is hope, and that one person can make a difference in the world. A true story based on the youngest person to be a name on Schindler's List, this book is powerful and lends itself to many cross-curricular educational moments. There are multiple themes covered in the book and it encompasses several beautiful literary elements. I recommend this book for younger audiences than I would Night, because it is not as graphic. I like this book for middle school or even low reading level freshmen. It lends itself easily to open discussions about difficult topics and students get drawn into the events as they unfold. I enjoyed reading this book for the first time as an adult and I think it has a lot of educational value. If you read many of my postings you know I love books that hook young male readers, I had to buy myself a second copy of this book because my son refused to relinquish my original copy when I let him borrow it. So it is a definite win at my house.

Educational Content 5 out of 5 stars
I give The Boy on the Wooden Box 4 out of 5 Stars

The Watson's Go to Birmingham by Christopher Paul Curtis

Again, as an educator I would be amiss if I did not include some reviews of books that teachers and parents can appreciate. This book is appropriate for several audiences. I like this book because young males are particularly drawn to its characters. I have found that boys tend to be hardest to get interested in reading, but Christopher Paul Curtis must have know this when he added the comedy and real life brotherly banter to this novel. I also enjoy this book for its method of dealing with painful themes within the classroom and at home. Themes such as poor vs rich and racism are dealt with in a manner students and children can understand and empathize with. As a teacher I like the multiple historical tie-ins. Any book that easily lends itself to cross curricular content is a plus in my curriculum. The book also has many literary elements, using it I can teach almost any literary element I choose. I can follow common core lesson plans but apply them to this novel that students are actually interested in. I have found the biggest problem I have with this book is that many of my students read ahead of the assigned pages because they just cannot put the book down (keep in mind I deal with students who have learning disabilities) .
For those who need additional support I do provide the audio book and the audio of this book is the absolute best of any book I have ever listened to. There are sound effects, background music, and then there is the narrator LeVar Burton. Yes! Star Trek and Reading Rainbow's LeVar Burton. Enough Said.

Classroom Content--- 5 out of 5 Stars
Audio content--- 5 out of 5 Stars
I give the book The Watson' s Go to Birmingham 1963 5 out of 5 Stars

Night by Elie Wiesel

As a school teacher I would be amiss if I did not include some reviews of books I have read and used in my classrooms. Of those books this might be the most powerful novel I have ever encountered. This novel is not for the immature. The first time I read it with an immature group of students and a student laughed at the horrors contained within these pages I grew angry. I had to take a moment. This book may be a short read, but it is NOT for the faint of heart. For the educator looking for cross curricular material it has it all. It has multiple literary elements including imagery and symbolism, complex character development and multiple themes to deal with. You can have honest and open discussions about hot topics within the book and the students, in my experience are usually ready to engage and ask questions. There are also the cross-curricular historical tie ins and even science related content. A teacher can relate this book to almost every subject and in my honest opinion it is a life changer. No one should graduate high school without experiencing this novel and its life changing impacts.
Because I do teach resource students I used this book in my EC English class and purchased the audio version for some of my struggling readers. The audio content is beautiful and the students, as well as I, were hooked.

I give Night 5 out of 5 stars for educational content
 I give the audio version of this book 5 out of 5 stars
I also give the Book Night 5 out of 5 stars

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Legendary by Stephanie Garber

It is not often I like a second book in a series as much, or maybe even more than the first, but enter Legendary.  In this book
 "The air tasted like wonder. Like candied butterfly wings caught in sugared spiderwebs, and drunken peaches coated in luck."  
This line says it all! The book is magical, explosive, suspenseful, and unpredictable!  There are twists and turns you would never expect. It is like riding on a roller coaster blindfolded. You know there are loops, whirls, drops, and spins coming, but you have no idea when or where and that is half of the excitement! Oh to live in this beautiful world where Caraval really exists! Stephanie Garber is a Grandmaster in her own right! she is a Master Legend of creation, she creates a world her readers yearn to be a part of! I was excited and disappointed to complete this book. I was elated to find out the answers to many of my questions, but sad that Caraval had ended again. I will read this book again and again! This book has become one of my new favorites, now to figure out how to update my favorites page.  The best part...... Legendary is not the last book!!! The author has announced there will be another book in this series!!! Oh to receive a ticket to this magical week!! I cannot wait for the sequel.  I did purchase this book in hard copy (it is beautiful) and audio format. The audio is absolutely fabulous. I love the voices the reader uses. The reader does an excellent job of capturing Tella's emotions throughout this book. It adds an extra depth and dimension to the book. If you like the book, you will love the audio version!

I give Legendary 5+++ stars out of 5 stars
I give the audio version 5 out of 5 stars 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Books and eye issues

I love having this blog. It is off to a good start. I was always amazed at the idea of people actually having a place to share their thoughts on a subject with others, around the globe, who share similar interests. This blog has been something I have wanted to work on for years, but again, I have little talent for creating electronic pages and sites. I also suffer from a second problem, I have horrible vision. As you read my posts you may wonder why I purchase the hard copy and audio versions of so many books. It seems redundant right? Well, like most of you I love the smell and feel of an actual book, but I also have an eye condition that causes me to see double of everything. This makes reading difficult and even extremely painful. I do have glasses, and had surgery once as a child, but it is still easier to switch back and forth between the audio and the hard copy. I do also use an e-reader, this allows me to modify text, but the problem remains that I have to put in a lot of focusing effort to see just one image on the page.  I do have a referral with UMSC in Charleston to see a surgeon specializing in my condition this month, but they are not even sure if they can help me. We shall see. I can hope. So as this site progresses (hopefully) please be understanding. I will post often, but there will be lots of posts with the audio and hard copy review. If you have a book you want reviewed I will be glad to check into it. Do any of you have vision problems? What do you do to allow you to enjoy books when the headaches, migraines, or vision issues get in the way? Would you continue to purchase the hard copies or just stick to the audio versions?


The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco

The first thing about this book that caught my attention was the gorgeous cover. It is unique and absolutely lovely! Then I read the summary and I was trapped. So much is going on in this book. The author very skillfully creates a world revolving around Asian magic and intricacies. The plot unfolds a little slowly for my taste, but I could easily follow the change from present to past tense and back as the main character relays her story. The love story was not the central element in this book, but was evident enough to pique the readers curiosity. The world building is done expertly. The magic system is original and eloquent.  All in all this was an intriguing read and I look forward to the sequel. I do warn the reader this book is a bit dark, but not overly so. I also enjoyed the audio version of this book.

I give the Bone Collector 4 out of 5 Stars
I give the audio version 4 out of 5 stars

Freeks by Amanda Hocking

After reading the Trylle series I wanted to read more by Amanda Hocking, so I was so excited when this novel was released. If you enjoyed Caraval, or The Night Circus, you will enjoy Freeks. The novel is a standalone, and I liked that. After reading several series in a row I was ready for a good book that did not require days or weeks commitment. This book explores the bond  created when our friends become our family. The protagonist was well created and formed. There were several supporting characters and they too were well developed. There is a love interest, hello Young Adult read, but it does not dominate the plot.  The book was not a heavy read, but it does have lots of fun, paranormal powers and circus acts! I did purchase the audiobook and enjoyed the audio. I switched back and forth between the audio and the hardncopy of the novel. A couple of times I preferred the voices I created in my head, but overall the audio was okay,

I give Freeks 4 out of 5 stars.
I give the audio version of the book 3 out of 5 stars.

The Martian by Andy Weir

I read The Martian after reading Artemis by Andy Weir, so I was not expecting much. Boy was I wrong. This book was so much better than Artemis. I absolutely lost track of everything I was supposed to be doing and read this entire novel in a single afternoon!! I so wanted, no needed to know what was going to happen next. It had me hooked from page 1. If you like science fiction or even just science at all this book is amazing. If you do not care about science, you will still enjoy the survival aspects and human condition aspects of this book. I held my breath so many times as I was reading it, and when I finished it I purchased the audio version, just so I could hear it all over again and wow do yourself a favor and splurge! Get them both! Read the words while listening to this audio. Hear the reader evoke the emotions Mark must be feeling as he is stranded on Mars, wondering if he will ever see another human again. This book was fantastic and the plot was astounding. The main character was realistic and deep. No flat stereotype here. As for the world building, what can I say, life on Mars? I do not like to read critic reviews until after I read the book, but I have to agree with all the positive reviews out there, Weir created a masterpiece with this one.

 5 out of 5 stars for The Martian
5 out of 5 stars for the Audiobook

Artemis by Andy Weir

Ok, I am all over the place with my opinions of this book. I have lots of likes and lots of dislikes within the pages of this book. First the likes. I love the science fiction concept of a city on the moon. I like the way the Weir has built the setting of this book. He has set rules and a society structure. Nothing is thrown together or half-baked. He put a lot of thought into the hierarchy of this society and where the characters would fit into the book. The characters themselves were a bit of a problem for me. Some were well written, some were two dimensional, and some were thrown in, it seemed, just because they were a bridge to get from one point in the plot to the next. It was painfully obvious the female character was written by a male author. Things no female would think or say about herself were commented on or by the protagonist. Also, the flow of the plot was sketchy. sometimes you think you understand exactly what the goal of the novel is, and then everything does a 180. What is the main conflict in this story? I could list several conflicts. Really would a 26 year old woman make this many bad decisions in a row? Again, I like the world and some of the characters, I was even taken in by some aspects of the plot, but for me this was not Weir's best work. I hope he sticks with male protagonists in the future. I did purchase the audio format of this novel as well and the reader does an excellent job of making the story more interesting. The sound added dimension to this story. If you are interested in this book, I advise the audio version.

I give Artemis 2.5 out of 5 stars
I give the audio presentation 5 out of 5 stars

ARC Review Lipstick Voodoo by Kristi Charish

On our recent vacation to the North Carolina mountains I needed a good read. I had requested this little beauty on Netgalley and it came through. This is an ARC review of a fun book.  I could not hike mountains  with my family, due to recent surgery, and it was just fine with me because this book kept me company. The author drew me in very quickly. I read a lot so I am accustomed to most types of magic, fantasy, supernatural and just plain extraordinary, but the world this author built was unexpected and kept even me guessing. I liked that I could not predict the ending, heck I had trouble predicting what was going to happen in the next chapter. You have to understand this is highly unusual. I can usually tease out a story-line by chapter 3 or 4. I really enjoyed reading the book. The main character was well developed as was her "best friend". The others were a little flat. I wanted to know more especially about certain characters. I am hoping Ms. Charish purposely left out some of these details so she can follow up with a sequel, which I would look forward to reading.  I think any fantasy reader would enjoy reading this little gem.

I give Lipstick Voodoo 4 out of 5 stars

Book 3 in the Red Rising Trilogy is another breath-taker. This author is cruel and a genius. I have a rule about reading books that make me cry, but I get so absorbed in this book, I feel everything along with Darrow, His excitement, fear, losses, disappointments, and hopes all hit me hard. Did I mention Pierce Brown is a genius? No, this was not an emotional, mushy book; however the action and the honest openness of the protagonist  make it impossible not to get emotionally involved. Like all the books in this series this book has awesome world building and the characters are crafted  so realistically that you feel like you actually know them. I have people in my life I can associate with each one. They are in no way stereotypical, but complex and deep  and ever evolving, the way real real life people are. Hands down this is one of the absolute best books I have ever read. The book ended well tied up and could have easily ended the series, but imagine my surprise when Iron Gold was announced.  Have not read it yet, but i have already purchased it. I did purchase the audio version of Morning Star and like its predecessors it is amazing.

I give 5 out of 5 stars for Morning Star
I give 5 out of 5 stars for the audio rendition of Morning Star. 

Monday, July 16, 2018

Going on vacation with the family this week. We are headed to the North Carolina Mountains. Hubby and I are so excited! I recently had major surgery so I will not get to hike trails with him and the kiddos, but the bright side is I get to catch up on some reading. I bought two physical books with me and my Kindle Oasis. I would have preferred more hard copies, but 3 kids and suitcases, so kindle takes up much less space. I would love to hear your vacation recommendations, what books do you suggest I download to read? Also, when traveling do you prefer physical books, or an e-readers? Or like me, do you bring along a combination of the two?
Thanks and Happy Reading!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Golden Son by Pierce Brown, Book #2 in Red Rising Series

Like Red Rising, Golden Son is an epic Science Fiction Novel. Darrow has grown in this book, but again he still has much to learn. I like the effort the author makes in this book to fill in additional details about lesser characters. I also enjoyed the banter between Darrow and his "crew". Stakes are rising and the dynamics are playing out. The complexity of the plot really begins to shine in this second installment as we see Darrow meeting with more intellectual and physical conflicts than ever before. As with many sequels this book moved a bit slower than the first, but was in no way a disappointment. Again the audio-book was awesomely rendered. Same reader as the initial novel, so if you liked the first book in audio, go ahead and spring for this one too.

I give Golden Son 4 out of 5 Stars

I give the Audio 5 out of 5 stars 

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Move over Star Trek and Star Wars fans, The Red Rising series may be the next big thing in Science Fiction. I read this book when it first released, and reread it each time a sequel was released. I love the dynamics and creativity held within the pages of this book. It is amazing to watch the lowly red "climb so high" and watch the protagonist evolve. Characters in this book are well developed. They have so many issues, political, family, physical, and emotional to contend with and it is all handled cohesively and seamlessly. I found myself weeping with Darrow, cheering for him, and even angry with him at times. I always get caught up in the moment when I am reading but this book, and series, sucked me in and I did not want to be released. I loved the audio version of this book. The reader's intonations perfectly mirrored the emotional state of the characters making the performance one of the best I have ever enjoyed.

I give Red Rising 5++ out of 5 stars
I give the audio 5++ out of 5 stars as well

Song of the Current by Sarah Tolcser

I am going to be honest, I know you are not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but I could not help myself with this little beauty. This book is gorgeous! In truth the cover is even prettier in person! I very seldom let myself get attracted to a book just because it is beautiful, but I am so glad I did. This book had it all! Engaging plot, check. Strong and smart protagonist, you got it. Love interest (but not sappy romance) done! Pirates, its in there! and we are just getting started. There was also a cool magic element, epic  battles, political turmoil, and complex family dynamics. This little charm has it al. I highly recommend you add this beauty to your reading list. I also highly recommend the audio content for this book. It was marvelous as well. What did it dislike about this book? It ended too soon I never wanted it to end.

I give this book 5+ out of 5 stars

I give the audio 5 out of 5 stars as well

Did I mention I really enjoyed this book?!?!

Tortured For Christ by Richard Wurmbrand

I read books of all types, and I usually stick with fiction because the world is a sad sick place that I believe needs Jesus and lots of love. We watched an interview with Richard Wurmbrand at church a few months ago, so I purchased this Kindle edition and audio book. To be honest the audio was difficult to understand and I did not end up listening to much of this book for that reason, but rather read most of it myself. This book broke me. It never ceases to amaze me what humans are willing to do to one another. We do not demonstrate love, unity and friendship, we hide behind prejudice and hate. This man loved his torturers, and that broke me and rebuilt me. Every once in while you read a book that changes how you live, and how you handle life's difficult situations. This book was one of those life changers for me. It is not for the faint of heart, but if you can stomach the horror this man lived through, I believe it will help you see that no matter how bad things get they can always get worse, and we should always address others with love and respect.

I give Tortured For Christ 5 out of 5 stars

I give the audio 2 out of three stars

First of all I WANT to read a copy of The Hinterland! I keep wishing this book of stories existed outside of The Hazel Wood. Hopefully Melissa Albert will consider writing it out and publishing some of these stories. I for one would love to read the full story of Alice Three Times and some of the other Amazing stories held within this book of tales.   As for The Hazel wood, this author created a world inside of universe, adjacent to another dimension! She did all of this in a way that read smoothly and the world building skills were extraordinary! Way to go Ms. Albert! I have always said I felt like books transported me to another dimension, but within the pages of this book, that seemed a true reality! This little book took my breath away. I had trouble working because I was so anxious to sneak in a few more pages to see what would happen next. An excellent, well paced plot, and all-around splendid read! I highly recommend this book.

I did purchase the audio version of this book as well and I highly suggest you give the audio a listen. The reader was excellent!

5 out of 5 stars for The Hazel Wood

5 out of 5 stars for the audio version of this book as well.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth

Let me begin by addressing the element of racism everyone is talking about in this book. Was there prejudice between the different races? Yes! Was this the only conflict in this book? No! Race alone, or should I say skin color did not cause these groups to hate each other, It was their cultural differences, their belief structures that made them enemies. For that reason Ms. Roth has again created a stunning literary world  with skill and grace. We did not hear this outcry when the obvious prejudice was so obviously evident in Divergent. Factions isolating themselves because of differing beliefs and talents did not bother anyone, so what reason do we have for allowing this to hurt our feelings? Literary content in this book was grade A. The author did not just build a world, she created a universe! The characters had depth and yes conflict was a part of their depth, but already we are seeing these characters evolve. Too bad we are often too petty to grow ourselves. I detest racism, but this book does not embody that deplorable state of mind. If anything it does hi-light the injustices judging people by their births alone can cause. 

I purchased this book in hard copy and audio format. I highly recommend the audio. It was beautifully read. 

I give the book 4 out of 5 stars. 
I give the audio performance a 5 out of 5 stars

The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden

I did not know what I was getting when I picked up this novel, but it had a beautiful cover that intrigued me. I have always loves stories and as I am unfamiliar with Russian fairy tales this book sucked me in from the start! I was as engrossed by the storytelling as the children in the novel. It also mixes in just enough Slavic historical fiction to really accentuate the world building. I learned it is never a good idea to anger the spirits! The writing was so descriptive that I  could actually feel the cold biting at me as I read this little book (even in the heat of a southern summer). The cliffhanger of an ending left me needing more!!! I look forward to the sequel. 

I did purchase this book in paperback and audio format. The audio was stunning!

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. 

Lets Talk Books!!

OK! So I have been trying to get this blog up and running for a long time, but as much as I love books, technology is not my thing. So I want to give a big shout out to my hubby for helping me finally get this site up and running. I am so excited to be an official book blogger! Please leave comments about books you recommend or would like reviews of. I am currently reading Legendary, sequel to Caraval, and several ARC books. So look for more reviews to come. Again, I am new at this but would love to have you make suggestions and comments about what you would like to read on this site. Please be kind. And HAPPY READING!!

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

I have always enjoyed reading Holly Black's novels. When preparing to read this book, as always, I started to read reviews, and I was shocked at the mixed reviews. I went into this book unsure of what I was getting into. After reading the first 3 chapters I had to put the book down and take a breather. However, this author has a way of piquing my interest, so I picked it back up the nest day. I needed, more than wanted, to know what happened to these children. Since I strive not to include spoilers in my reviews I find it difficult to express my full opinions on this book. Most novels deal with the lighter side of fairies, not so in this novel.  The world building was excellent. The character development was extensive, and I even went as far to purchase this audio book as well as hard cover. The audio was expertly rendered. However, there were aspects of this book that still haunt me. In truth, I believe that was the purpose of this writing. This book was not intended to be light and airy, but no one can contest the expertise in the writing and plot development. It is rare that I am surprised by a plot twist, or the method by which an author resolves conflict in a book. Holly Black both surprised me and excited me. Yes, this was a darker than normal fae novel, and there are issues I have with the story line, but the book itself is beautifully written. 

I give The Cruel Prince 4 out of 5 stars. 

Caraval by Stephanie Garber

Magic, Mystery and Danger are Grand-master Legend's playhouse and these two sisters are playing for their lives! This book has some of the most amazing world building I have encountered in ages. I was immensely impressed with Garber's ability to intertwine so many well built characters into a masterfully developed plot and the story arc was never to slow or never rushed. Ms. Garber was a Grand-Master among Authors!! While many readers are awaiting their letters to Hogwarts, I am hoping for my ticket to Caraval! 

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars!  

Reading  Book 2, Legendary, now! Keep alert for my updated review of this masterful sequel!

The Darkest Minds: Book 1 by Alexandra Bracken

Read this book several years ago, and re-read it this summer in anticipation of the upcoming movie.  This is an amazing series with well developed characters.  Its an emotional roller coaster with highs, lows, and loops that will leave you anxious for more.  You feel for these characters and their plight.  Bracken has done an amazing job creating a believable dystopian society.  How will the movie be??  We can only hope they will stay true to Bracken's novel.  If so, this will be a must see.  Stay tuned for an update after I see the movie, and we will compare it to the book.  The sequel reviews will be up soon.  They are must reads as well.

I give this book 5 out of 5 Stars!

ARC Review of The Immortal Gene by Jonas Saul

Awesome, edge of your seat suspense.  Also, very original science fiction.  This book was outside my normal comfort zone.  The author deals with controversial topics and repercussions.  At first, the point of view changes were disorienting, but as the book progressed, I liked the insight provided by the alternating first person POV.  A satisfying ending, but still left questions unanswered.  I cannot wait until the next book.

I gave this book 5 out of 5 Stars!

ARC Review of Chelela By Andrea B. Lamoureux

This book is unique, its not full of the same tired storylines.  This makes it a fun read.  There were some elements in the book that I feel restricted it to a more mature audience.  The main character goes through an ordeal that made me cringe for her, but the book was well written and I was able to empathize with her.  I will definitely continue the series.  Overall, this book has fantasy, magic, adventure, and love (but not sappy, sweet romance).  The main character was able to adapt and grow stronger as she conquers each new obstacle.  WOW!!  I've been looking for something original for a while, and this book was it.

I give it 5 out of 5 stars!